Sunday, May 15, 2011

Post #1

    I believe the purpose of education is to enable individuals to reach their full potential as human beings and as members of society.  And educators play a major role in this process.  Their role is to ensure and assist all individuals by giving them the foundations to function socially, emotionally, and of course academically. 
     Now a days technology is a very big part of the academic content.  From calculators to laptops, from Smartboards to LCD projects, from switches to PECS, all our students need and deserve what it takes for them to understand the curriculum.  These technologies allow them to make that happen.  If one or all of my students need technology to help them understand a concept better; I use it.  For example, I had a student use PECS to communicate when he couldn’t speak for himself.   I also use technology to let the students show what they have learned outside the classroom to demonstrate what they just learned.  Just like a my 7th grade students used iMovies to present a chapter of book to the class.  The whole class enjoyed seeing their iMovie while learning about the chapter.